Myopia is a condition characterized by an abnormally elongated eyeball, which results in blurred distance vision.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates tht by 2050, 52% of the world’s population will be myopic For instance, already 90% of college students in China are nearsighted. In the US the percentage of nearsighted individuals has risen from 25% in 1972 to 42% today... AND IT IS RISING!
Progressive myopia associated with:
In essence, myopia can lead to blindness and poor quality of life.
It is crucial to choose a myopia management specialist who can evaluate your child for these risk factors and design a personalized prevention program to either stop them from becoming myopic or significantly slow down the progression.
For more detailed information, and a list of qualified
practitioners, please visit your country's specific website by
clicking here.
Orthokeratology, often referred to as OrthoK, is a safe, non-surgical alternative to glasses or daytime contact lenses. It involves wearing a therapeutic mold/lens at night, which gently reshapes the eye. Upon waking and removing the lenses, you can enjoy clear vision throughout the day.
OrthoK is very safe. But safety depends on two factors :
Studies and experience show us that OrthoK is as safe as extended wear contact lenses.
OrthoK is an excellent solution for
Children make great candidates as they enjoy the freedom from wearing glasses. It is also a highly effective approach for slowing the
progression of myopia in children.
For more information about OrthoK, please visit your country's
specific webpage for qualified practitioners by clicking here.
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